We want our athletes feel as they are part of a family - a family who wants to see them succeed and is behind them every step of the way. Nothing makes us prouder than seeing our athletes achieve their goals both on and off the field. We are honored to share some of our athletes’ accomplishments.
We are proud to have worked with student athletes who have attended the following colleges/universities for athletics:
- Salisbury
- Louisville
- Franklin & Marshall
- Providence
- Syracuse
- Virginia Tech
- Wesley
- Brevard
- Stony Brook
- Bowie
- Ohio State
- Binghamton
- Findley
- Drexel
- Maryland
- Florida
- McDaniel
- Frostburg
- North Carolina
- Naval Academy
- Texas A&M
- Bridgewater
- Lynchburg
- Stevenson
- Towson
- Virginia Commonwealth
- Dickerson
- Akron
- John Hopkins
- Bucknell
- Vanderbilt
- Elon
- West Virginia Wesleyan
- Loyola College
- Air Force
- Army
- Bryant
- Wagner
- Wilmington
- Elizabethtown
- Northwestern
- James Madison
- Old Dominion
- Virginia
- Cabrini
- Oregon
- Washington and Lee
- Richmond
- Yale
- Delaware
- Highpoint
- Shepard
- Temple
- Penn State
- Syracuse
- South Carolina
- San Diego State
Professional organizations we have worked with:
- Washington Nationals
- Baltimore Ravens
- Jacksonville Jaguars
- Arizona Cardinals
- Minnesota Vikings
- Oakland Athletics
- Milwaukee Brewers
- Team USA Women's Lacrosse
- United States Figure Skating Association
Are you the next to be MADE IN THE FACTORY?
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Membership at The Arena Club means more than just “joining a gym.”
You are joining a community of friends, family, trainers, and instructors who will motivate you and inspire you to reach your health and wellness goals.