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BodyAttack (60 minutes)/(Xpress 45 minutes)

The sports-inspired cardio workout for building strength and stamina. This high-energy interval training class combines athletic aerobic movements with strength and stabilization exercises.

BodyCombat ClassBodyCombat (60 minutes)

This fiercely energetic program is inspired by mixed martial arts and draws from a wide array of disciplines such as karate, boxing, taekwondo, tai chi and muay thai. (Combat/CXPress 30 minutes of Combat and 30 minutes of CXWORX)

CXWORX (30 minutes)

At the intersection of science and personal training lies a new kind of group fitness workout…a workout that will tighten and tone your abs, back and butt like nothing else before.

Kickbutt Boxing ClassKickbutt Boxing (60 Minutes)

An energetic whole body workout using kicks, punches, strikes and blocks to challenge your fitness level and reshape your body. Incorporates contact hits in a drill-based format.

PiYo (60 minutes)/(Xpress = 45 min.)

Not your traditional Pilates and Yoga class! A Beachbody format that speeds everything up with a faster tempo. This class focuses on dynamic and flowing sequences to help speed the metabolism. PiYO movements will help lengthen and tone your muscles along with increasing flexibility. Enjoy the benefits of the muscle sculpting element of Pilates, the flexibility of Yoga combined with the nonstop, fluid movements of PiYO!

PUMP/CXpress Group Fitness ClassPUMP/CXpress (60 minutes)

You want it all? Now you can have it all in one class. A combo of BodyPump and CXWORX in a condensed 60 minute format.

R.E.V. (60 minutes)

Resistance, Endurance, Variety - a combination class that brings athletic cardio moves together with strength training. The variety will challenge you and keep you coming back for more!

Tabata (45 minutes)

High Intensity Interval Training using the 20/10 Tabata protocol. Not a class for the weak of mind or body. It will truly challenge you to move to your next level of fitness and performance.

*Tabata Amped (30 minutes)

A total power workout – cardio, core and strength packed into 30 minutes of amped up intensity. Push your fitness to the max!

*Registration is required! For safety reasons, 24 registered class participants will be the maximum. This will allow for a better quality workout and class experience.

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Membership at The Arena Club means more than just “joining a gym.”

You are joining a community of friends, family, trainers, and instructors who will motivate you and inspire you to reach your health and wellness goals.

Membership Options

Lose up to 20 pounds in 30 days!

There are 7 different hormones that can make it virtually impossible for you to lose weight, especially if you’re over the age of 35. The 20 LBS IN 30 DAYS FAST TRACK PLAN addresses those hormones and guarantees you will lose that weight!* *Results may vary based on each individual.

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